Information for Regulated Child Care Settings
The programs and resources listed below will help you to understand the requirements and the supports available for operating and working in a regulated child care setting.
- Capable, Confident, and Curious - Nova Scotia's early Learning Curriculum Framework
Framework guideing the practice of early childhood educators and pedagogical leaders, who work with young children, from birth to age eight.
- Directory of Licensed Child Care Facilities
The Government of Nova Scotia licenses child care facilities throughout the province. This directory lets you search for facilities by name and/or location, and shows whether a facility currently meets its licensing requirements.
- Family Home Child Care Program
Family home child care agencies provide professional support to in-home care providers.
- Licensee's Manual for Regulated Child Care Settings
A resource for licensees of child care facilities and family home day care agencies.
- Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM) is a province-wide initiative that will be used to improve and assess quality in licensed child care centres.
- Progress Report: Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development 2010 –2012 Progress Report Summary. Child Well-Being 2011 Report.
- Report Summary: Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development 2010 –2012 Progress Report Summary. Child Well-Being 2011 Report.
- Sommaire du rapport d’étape : Sommaire du rapport d’étape 2010–2012 en matière de développement de la petite enfance en Nouvelle-Écosse. Rapport 2011 sur le bien-être des enfants.
- Child Abuse Register
- Reporting and Responding to Allegations of Abuse and Neglect in Regulated Early Learning and Child Care Programs - A Protocol for Early Learning and Child Care Licensees, Staff, and Care Providers (October 2024)
- Signaler et répondre en cas d’allégations de mauvais traitements et de négligence dans les programmes agréés d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants - Protocole à l’intention des titulaires de permis, du personnel et des fournisseurs de soins en programmes d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants (Octobre 2024)