Information for Regulated Child Care Settings

The programs and resources listed below will help you to understand the requirements and the supports available for operating and working in a regulated child care setting.
- Capable, Confident, and Curious - Nova Scotia's early Learning Curriculum Framework
Framework guideing the practice of early childhood educators and pedagogical leaders, who work with young children, from birth to age eight.
Directory of Licensed Child Care Facilities
The Government of Nova Scotia licenses child care facilities throughout the province. This directory lets you search for facilities by name and/or location, and shows whether a facility currently meets its licensing requirements.
- Family Home Child Care Program
Family home child care agencies provide professional support to in-home care providers.
- Licensee's Manual for Regulated Child Care Settings
A resource for licensees of child care facilities and family home day care agencies.
- Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM) is a province-wide initiative that will be used to improve and assess quality in licensed child care centres.
- Progress Report: Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development 2010 –2012 Progress Report Summary. Child Well-Being 2011 Report.
- Report Summary: Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development 2010 –2012 Progress Report Summary. Child Well-Being 2011 Report.
- Sommaire du rapport d’étape : Sommaire du rapport d’étape 2010–2012 en matière de développement de la petite enfance en Nouvelle-Écosse. Rapport 2011 sur le bien-être des enfants.
- Child Abuse Register
- Reporting and Responding to Allegations of Abuse and Neglect in Regulated Early Learning and Child Care Programs - A Protocol for Early Learning and Child Care Licensees, Staff, and Care Providers (October 2024)
- Signaler et répondre en cas d’allégations de mauvais traitements et de négligence dans les programmes agréés d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants - Protocole à l’intention des titulaires de permis, du personnel et des fournisseurs de soins en programmes d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants (Octobre 2024)