Our Objectives

The holistic development, well-being, and scholarship of African Nova Scotian/African Canadian students will advance by:
- recognizing their inherent worth, dignity and potential to excel
- promoting understandings of the rich, vibrant, multi-generational and multi-ethnic histories of African Nova Scotians and African Canadians and recognizing their knowledge systems, histories, heritages, cultures, traditions, and contributions to society as people of African ancestry
- providing leadership to support teachers, administrators and other educational staff in ensuring an equitable and inclusive educational experience for African Nova Scotian learners
- leading collaboratively with EECD, regional staff and other stakeholders to eliminate the achievement gap by identifying and removing barriers impacting African Nova Scotian and African Canadian learners
- providing support services to learners as they transition through the early years, Primary-Grade 12, post-secondary, and adult education towards a successful career in the workforce
- managing and administering the provincial scholarship program for African Nova Scotian learners to ensure African Nova Scotian and African Canadian students have equitable access to post-secondary institutions
- developing, promoting, and facilitating access to programs, resources, and services for and on behalf of African Nova Scotian and African Canadian, administrators, teachers and support staff
- collaborating across the department and with government to consult with and provide advice regarding African Nova Scotian/Canadian Education
- providing leadership to post-secondary institutions to support the development and alignment of policies, programs and processes which nurture and affirm the goals and future aspirations of African Nova Scotian and African Canadian learners
- analyzing, evaluating and monitoring disaggregated data and evidence to support excellence in instruction, educational programming and assessment