CACE Background and Profile

One of the primary recommendations stated that the BLAC have its status modified to a provincial advisory council. In January 1996, the Nova Scotia Legislature formalized this recommendation and CACE came into being.
Nova Scotia’s Inclusive Education Policy welcomes the broader community as key partners in education. The Guiding Principles recognize that all partners are committed and empowered to work collectively to identify and eliminate barriers that interfere with students’ well-being and achievement.
The Council on African Canadian Education provides culturally responsive advice to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration on matters relating to the development, implementation, evaluation, and funding of educational programs and services for African Nova Scotian learners.
A maximum of 17 members including all of the following:
- not less than 4 nor more than 6 persons recommended by provincial organizations of the African Nova Scotia community including the African United Baptist Association, the Black Educators Association, and the Black Cultural Society;
- one person representing the African Nova Scotia community in each of the following geographic regions:
- Antigonish/Guysborough;
- Cape Breton;
- Northern Region (Cumberland/Colchester/Pictou);
- Valley Region (Kings/Hants/Annapolis);
- Southwest Nova (Lunenburg/Shelburne/Digby/Yarmouth/Queens);
- Halifax (including Bedford);
- Dartmouth;
- and not less than 4 nor more than 6 members at large representing the African Nova Scotia community.
Each member of CACE is appointed for a period of three years and members may be reappointed. The Council meets at least four times per year, plus committee meetings as required. CACE also meets with the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Did You Know
- CACE provides input and feedback on policy initiatives that impact teaching practices and strategies to ensure our African Nova Scotian students excel through purposeful engagement, rigorous instruction, cultural awareness, and relevant educational experiences.
- CACE supports education reform that assists in increasing community capacity to support our children and youth so that students’ experiences outside the school enhance both teaching and learning within the school.
- CACE works collaboratively with other advisory boards and committees as appropriate and currently has a member on each of the following: the African Nova Scotian Education Foundation (ANSEF), the Minister’s Advisory Council on Teacher Certification (MACTC), and the Provincial Advisory Council on Education (PACE).