Early Years Centres

Three kids learning togther

Children are healthy, safe and nurtured in their families and communities

Nova Scotia’s children deserve the best possible start in life to help them develop to their full potential.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is working to build an integrated early years system throughout the province that will provide more accessible and comprehensive support for young children and their families.

Early Years Centres

The Early Years Branch at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development partners with school boards, community and families to create Early Years Centres across the province. The Early Years Centre model includes three core services:
  • a play-based early learning program for children in the year before entering school
  • family supports and resources
  • regulated child care responsive to family needs
Early Years Centres are located in or near schools and are designed to fit the needs of the community they are in. The centre provides a space to bring together programs and services delivered to families of young children from prenatal to school entry. Family supports and resources might include parenting supports, health services, and early identification and intervention programs.

Having these services in one place in the community makes it easier for families to get the support they need, in a convenient and familiar location. As programs and services work more collaboratively together, families will find it easier to access to the services they need, when they need them.

The goals of Early Years Centres are to:
  • Improve outcomes for children prenatally through school entry
  • Increase access to programs and services for young children and their families
  • Improve program quality
  • Improve the integration of programs and services at the community level
  • Increase collaboration between partners and service providers


  • Jubilee Elementary School I, Sydney Mines
  • East Antigonish Education Centre, Monastery
  • Rockingstone Heights School, Halifax
  • Yarmouth Central School (across the street), Yarmouth
  • West Highlands Elementary, Amherst
  • Clark Rutherford Elementary, Cornwallis
  • Ecole Beau-Port, Arichat
  • New Germany Elementary, New Germany


Learning as we grow: Evaluation of the Pre-primary Program and Early Years Centres.

Round 1 Report: 2016
Year 2 Report: 2017
Year 3 Report: 2018
Year 4 Family Survey, Preliminary Findings: 2019
Year 4 Overall Report: 2019
Year 5 Overall Report: 2019

Apprendre en grandissant : Évaluation du programme de prématernelle et des centres de la petite enfance

Partie 1 : 2016
Rapport pour la deuxième année : 2017
Rapport pour la troisième année : 2018
Sondage auprès des familles - conclusions préliminaires : 2019
Rapport global, quatrième année : 2019
Rapport global, cinquieme annee: 2019