The Nova Scotia Excellence in Early Childhood Education Workforce Strategy, will result in higher wages for early childhood educators as well as benefits and further professionalization of the sector.

Read the full Excellence in Early Childhood Education workforce strategy. English Français

We are committed to supporting the childcare sector with higher wages through the Canada-Wide Agreement.

Learn more here.

Opportunities for ECEs working in the sector to upskill

Accelerated ECE diploma (with PLAR) - Accepting Applications
Status: Accepting Applications

For ECEs currently working in licensed child care or Pre-primary to earn a diploma in a shortened timeframe.

  • Tuition, books, and student fees funded by EECD.
  • Work while studying; courses are online and happen outside of work hours.
  • Practicums completed at workplace – no need to take time off to complete practicum.
  • Post-secondary institutions assess your current knowledge and skills and give credit for your competencies. This rigorous process is called Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and allows ECEs to take fewer courses to obtain a diploma.

In 2021–2022, EECD provided funding to over 300 child care staff to participate in this program, including designated seats for Mi’kmaq and Indigenous peoples, Black and African Nova Scotians, Acadian and Francophone Nova Scotians, and newcomers.

NSCC - March and May 2025

NSCECE - January and March 2025

Africentric Accelerated ECE diploma (with PLAR) - Accepting Applications
Status: Accepting Applications

For ECEs currently working in licensed child care or Pre-primary, that identify as African Nova Scotian or Black, to earn a diploma in a shortened timeframe.

  • Tuition, books, and student fees funded by EECD.
  • Work while studying; courses are online and happen outside of work hours.
  • Practicums completed at workplace – no need to take time off to complete practicum.
  • Post-secondary institutions assess your current knowledge and skills and give credit for your competencies. This rigorous process is called Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and allows ECEs to take fewer courses to obtain a diploma.

NSCC January 2025

Mi’kmaw Accelerated ECE diploma (with PLAR) - Program in progress
Status: Program in progress

For ECEs currently working in licensed child care or Pre-primary, that identify as Mi’kmaw or Indigenous, to earn a diploma in a shortened timeframe.

  • Tuition, books, and student fees funded by EECD.
  • Work while studying; courses are online and happen outside of work hours.
  • Practicums completed at workplace – no need to take time off to complete practicum.
  • Post-secondary institutions assess your current knowledge and skills and give credit for your competencies. This rigorous process is called Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and allows ECEs to take fewer courses to obtain a diploma.

NSCC September 2024

Career navigation

EECD has partnered with Nova Scotia Works and the Nova Scotia Career Development Association to establish career professionals to support and guide ECEs in their career paths.

  • Career navigation is available at no cost to all ECEs currently working in child care or pre-primary who want to participate in one of EECD’s Pathways to Education opportunities.
  • Career assistance will be provided virtually to support career decision-making for ECEs interested in furthering their studies. This will help ECEs develop their career paths, establish learning plans, support them in the application process, and be available to students while they study.
  • Interested ECEs can call their nearest Nova Scotia Works office and request to meet with the ECE career navigator. Nova Scotia Works locations and contact information is available on their website under “Visit Us”:
Continuing education funding program - Accepting Applications
Status: Accepting Applications

Course and textbook reimbursements available to eligible child care staff pursuing part-time studies in a diploma or degree in early childhood education while working full- or part-time.

Early childhood educator certification

To professionally recognize ECEs, Nova Scotia is initiating a project to shift from a classification to a certification system.

  • Certification is a process that allows individuals who have completed required post-secondary training to be recognized as professionals in a certain field.
  • Certification provides assurance to employers and the public of an individual’s professional competence, commitment, and specialized skills.
  • Other professions that use certification include counselling, nursing, speech language pathology, and social work.
  • EECD is working with an external consultant to develop the ECE certification system, which includes standards, scopes of practice, and required knowledge and skillsets.
Early Years Professional Learning

To promote and support a culture of continuous professional growth and lifelong learning, Early Years Professional Learning provides high quality e-learning courses aligned with department programs and priorities.

Leadership Training for ECEs

The program is designed for child care centre directors, and early childhood educators (ECEs) aspiring to become directors, who wish to develop the knowledge, skill and competence in the essential elements of administering and managing early learning and child care programs.

Modules focus on core administrative competencies of leadership such as:

  • Management and leadership
  • Pedagogical leadership
  • Managerial communication
  • Computer applications
  • Financial management
  • Marketing
  • Strategic planning
  • Risk management
  • Policy development
  • Collaboration and mentoring practices
  • Program/curriculum evaluation

The following training institutions are recognized to deliver leadership training for early childhood educators in Nova Scotia:

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program

Funding available for staff currently working in licensed child care with at least 6500 hours of experience to complete the RPL process. Successful candidates are eligible for a Level 2 classification.

  • EECD funding available to first 40 applicants in 2024–2025 fiscal year.
  • Applicants approved for funding are required to participate in the RPL preparatory program, Pathways to Prosperity, funded by the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration and delivered by Opportunity Place Career Resource Centre.
  • Pathways to Prosperity provides essential training and skill development customized to the RPL program to help participants successfully complete the process.
  • RPL identifies, documents, assesses, and recognizes existing skills and knowledge towards the achievement of units of competency for various qualifications, certifications, or accredited courses.
  • The RPL certificate leads to a Level 2 classification but does not count as an early childhood education diploma.

Opportunities for individuals who want to enter the ECE profession

Bursaries for full-time students - Accepting Applications
Status: Accepting Applications

For students enrolled in full-time studies at approved Nova Scotia post-secondary institutions in 2024–25.

  • Bursaries of up to $5000 paid over the course of an early childhood education diploma program.
  • Students must be studying full-time and remain in good academic standing. 
  • Students must be a permanent resident of Nova Scotia (temporary foreign workers, international students, or any other person in Canada on a temporary resident visa do not qualify). 
  • Ask your post-secondary institution for a copy of the bursary terms and conditions and apply directly through your institution:
  • Payments will be issued to the training institution on behalf of successful applicants in the fall and winter semesters. Training institution will apply the bursary to each successful student’s account.
  • Priority for funding will be given to students from equity deserving groups.
  • Bursaries are also available to full-time students in the Bachelor of Applied Arts in Child and Youth Study at MSVU. Contact MSVU’s Department of Child and Youth Study for details.
  • The following students are not eligible to apply:
    • Students currently enrolled in an ECE diploma already funded by EECD.
    • Students who are currently receiving other EECD funding (e.g., staff receiving Continuing Education Program reimbursement funding for part-time studies).

In 2021-2022 EECD offered one-time bursaries for up to 300 students studying full-time in an ECE diploma or degree program in Nova Scotia. To support Nova Scotia’s focus on the development of a diverse and inclusive workforce, students belonging to an underrepresented group received additional funds. 

ECE Virtual Diploma Program - Program in progress
Status: Program in progress

Full-time, two-year diploma program for applicants living and planning to work as an ECE in hard-to-recruit areas.

  • Tuition, books, and student fees funded by EECD.
  • Study online with scheduled class times during daytime hours.

Designated areas will be prioritized for admission. Designated Areas:

  • Northern (Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough Counties)
  • South Shore (Lunenburg and Queens Counties)
  • Western Cape Breton (Inverness, Victoria & Richmond Counties).


NSCC – September 2024

High school transition to ECE diplomas

Over the next few years, EECD will work with our partners in public schools and post-secondary institutions to offer high school students career counselling and college credit courses in early childhood education. This work is expected to be complete by 2025.

Pathway program for newcomers (work and learn ECE diploma) - Program in progress
Status: Program in progress

Working with the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS), the Nova Scotia Community College, and the Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education, EECD is launching a pathway program to support newcomers to enter the profession.

  • Newcomers gain employment in a licensed child care or pre-primary program while earning their diploma through part-time online studies.
  • Tuition, books, student fees, and language training funded by EECD.
  • Pathway diploma programs are available at NSCECE and NSCC.
  • Priority seats for ISANS clients who complete the early childhood education communications course.
  • Must be a newcomer with legal permanent residency or have refugee or protected persons status, or a recent Canadian citizen who has lived in Canada for less than 5 years.
  • To participate, email ISANS at