Roles & Responsibilities
- To advise the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development of their intent to educate their child(ren) at home.
- Mail: Regional Education Services, P.O. Box 578, Halifax, NS B3J 2S7
- Phone: 1-866-873-1722.
- To complete the registration form annually and return to Regional Education Services.
- Mail: Regional Education Services, P.O. Box 578, Halifax, NS B3J 2S7
- Proof of age must be included with the registration form for a child not previously registered in public school or home schooling in Nova Scotia.
- To provide a report to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (Regional Education Services) in June on the progress of their child(ren). The report would be compatible with the program of study of the child(ren).
- To ensure their child(ren) is/are diligent in attempting to master the studies described on the registration form.
- To meet with officials in the Regional Centres for Education if and when the child(ren) is/are to be enrolled in public school. The onus is on the parents/guardians to provide evidence of the child's education program.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
- To provide parents/guardians with an information package which includes:
- To make available to parents/guardians through the Department website the Public School Programs (Note: Draft 2013 version which is currently under revision) and curriculum guides.
- To certify the registration for home schooling.
- To receive the annual student progress report from parents/guardians in June.
- To discuss with parents/guardians, if so desired by parents/guardians, any difficulties concerning home schooling.
- To advise the appropriate Regional Centres for Education of the names of students being educated at home.
Regional Centres for Education
- The Regional Centre for Education shall determine the grade placement of a student who has been home schooled and returns to public school.
- The Regional Centre for Education (school) shall determine what, if any, credits will be awarded for home school work at the senior high school level.