Password Changes
In order to ensure that your information on the PowerSchool Parent Portal continues to be secured and protected, the iNSchool Provincial Coordination Team is changing the way portal passwords are created and reset.
As part of this effort to maintain security, it is recommended that all parents reset their passwords.
- Your username and other personal information do not change.
- Passwords can be reset during the log in process, or by selecting the “Account Preferences” option in Parent Portal.
- Please note that new rules have been added to the password configuration.
Passwords must include complexity.
Your password must have at least:
- 8 characters
- one upper case letter
- one lowercase letter
- one number
- one special character.
Special characters are the keyboard characters not defined as letters, numerals or spaces. They include:
` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? /
Helpful Password tips:
- do not write down your password
- do not share your password with anyone
do not use common words or information about you that can be easily obtained about you. This includes:
- usernames,
- birthdates,
- license plates,
- telephone numbers,
- street name, etc.