Science Profession Scholarship

Value: Up to $7,000
Application Deadline: July 26, 2024
Requirements (review the application form for full details):
- priority will be given to the following programs: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Engineering
- applicant must be a Black African Nova Scotian student
- applicant must have attended a Nova Scotia P-12 Public/Private school in Nova Scotia
- be accepted or registered as a full-time student in one of the prescribed university programs
- demonstrate continued scholastic achievement (attach an official academic transcript - internet copies are not acceptable)
- submit a typed essay (300 words - first time applicants) describing past involvement with, and vision for future development of the African Nova Scotian community (award is only available for a maximum of three consecutive years)
- Students must submit an application each year to be considered for this scholarship
- must not possess a professional degree
- be willing to participate in school to work transition follow-up surveys
- attach two letters of reference (see application form), one reference from a university professor and one character reference (non-relative)
Science Profession Scholarship (2024) |
Programme de bourses pour les étudiants afro-néoécossais-professions scientifiques (2024) |