
The Program Planning Process is part of the Special Education Policy (currently under revision).

The Program Planning Process is a team approach. The team works together to share information and plan learning opportunities and supports to meet your child’s individual needs. This guide is intended to support you through the Program Planning Process and in the important role you play in your child’s education.

The Program Planning Process may be started when:

  • your child has been assessed and identified as needing specific educational planning and support 
  • your child is showing gifts and talents
  • there is a need to better understand your child’s needs and to explore  new strategies 
  • your child requires management of a health care need or intervention, such as an emergency health care plan or evacuation plan

The Program Planning Process has eight stages. However not all children will need to move through the entire process—sometimes needs are met by completing just the first couple of stages. You will be part of planning and decision making through each stage.