Classification for Child Care Staff

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Under the Early Learning and Child Care Act and Regulations trained staff working directly with children in a licensed child care facility must have a Level 1, 2 or 3 Classification or School-Age Training Approval.

It is recommended you read the Guide to Classification and Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators before applying for Classification.

Policy updates effective August 1, 2024

The application review process for Classification may take up to 4 to 6 weeks or longer depending on volume and priority.

Qualifications for Classification

Entry Level may be granted to applicants who can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. Completion of the Orientation for Staff Working in Licensed Child Care Facilities.
  2. Completion of post-secondary courses in early childhood education that are comparable to the orientation training, as assessed by Classification Services' Assessment Officers.

Level 1 Classification – may be granted to applicants who can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. Completion of the Orientation for Staff Working in Licensed Child Care Facilities and completion of coursework and workplace training as specified in standards set by the Minister;
  2. A post-secondary certificate in early childhood education approved by the Director; or a vocational training certificate relevant to early childhood education

Level 2 Classification - may be granted to applicants who can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. A diploma from a post-secondary early childhood education program approved by the Director.
  2. Successful completion of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program

Level 3 Classification – may be granted to applicants who can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. A bachelor's degree in early childhood education or an area of study that qualifies a person to plan and deliver early childhood programming for children birth to 12 years of age.
  2. A diploma from a post-secondary early childhood education program approved by the Director for a Level 2 Classification and completion of a bachelor's degree program.

Recognition of Prior Learning program cannot be used toward achievement of a level 3 classification.

School Age Approval – School-Age Training Approval may be granted to applicants who can demonstrate both of the following:

  1. Completion of the Orientation for Staff Working in Licensed Child Care Facilities;
  2. A bachelor's degree in early education or elementary education (pre-primary to grade 5/6) or a post-secondary credential that qualifies a person to plan and deliver developmentally appropriate programming for school-age children, with courses including Human Growth and Development, Behaviour Guidance, Programming, Child in Society, as well as a teaching practicum

    A six-month conditional approval of school-age training approval may be granted to a person who meets the requirements for a school-age training approval on the condition that they complete the orientation training no later than six (6) months after the conditional approval is granted.
Regulations made pursuant to the Early Learning and Child Care Act provide final authority on all matters relating to child care. If there is a contradiction provided herein and the regulations, the regulations will prevail.


Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Classification Application
Use this form for classification requests and for classification upgrade requests.

Change in Personal Information
Use this form to report any change in personal information. To request a replacement certificate, contact

Record of Professional Development
Use this form to provide a Record of Professional Development. Professional Development Information Sheet